Saturday, 18 December 2010

Friday, 17 December 2010

Audience Feedback

For the finishing task of our project, we asked a number of people to watch our media product and to give constructive feedback.

One point that was made, was that they thought the music ran very well with the action. Especially the starting music. However they thought the part where the protagonist entered the shop seem to drag on a little bit.
They also felt that we fit a lot of good action into 2 minutes. The editing was also mentioned with them saying that the continuity of the film worked very well. The ending leaving the audience on a cliffhanger also seemed to be a big hit with our reviewers.
There were also some bad points however. They didnt think the horror element was portrayed very well, however the hammer sound effect worked very well with the theme.
They also thought that we portrayed boys and girls in a bad light as we made males look bad whereas the female looked like the good character.

Evaluation: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task, its been proved that my skills in camera and in editing have significantly imrpoved, meaning the end product to be a lot more proffessional.

My skills with a cmaera have widened meaning i can now do a lot more thanings than when we did the preliminary task. I learnt to always use a tripod when doing a eastablishing, long or medium shot. I have also learnt to match the camera angle/shot with the emotion and the goings on in that exact scene.

By learning the meanings of the different shots and angles i feel i have definatly expanded my knowledge of media and working with a camera. For example when showing vulnerability, by using a high angle shot it will convey this.

Evaluation: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Pinnacle 12 editing suite
I have learnt numurous new skills from being the director of this film. When we filmed our preliminary task we used the editig suite of Windows Movie Maker, however the editing of this turned out to be jumpy and not very clean cut. However for our main task we used Pinnacle 12. This proved to be a lot better for editing than that of Windows Movie Maker. Meaning that our editing skills were extremely better than when we did the preliminary task.

After many times of filming, it proved better to film using a tripod. However using the tripod for camera shots throughout the whole of our film can prove to be rather boring, so by adding in some hand held shots added to the horror film as they turned out to be shakey. Also by doing close up shots it adds more emotion to the movie.

Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?

I believe that we attracted our audience well. We did this by doing a number of things.

  • Our main star, the protagonist, is a female which can then attract both female and male audiences, bringing both genders together. This doesnt very often happen with audience as it usually attracts either mostly males or mostly females.
  • Also as a big film fan myself, i feel that a really good film is when you can relate to the characters or put yourself in their situation. I feel that this may be hard to do with our media product but this may just get the audience thinking more, adding to our pyschological theme.
  • I feel the location was chosen well, as our media product is a psychological horror, it may get the audience wanting to know what is going on in the house as it looks like just a normal place.

Evaluation: Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think the audience for our film would be a similair audience to that of 28 days later. This is because both films get you thinking as to what might come next.
 28 days later trailor

The people that 28 days later attracts are over 18s who like a psychological horror. But also as it stars teenagers, I think it will also attract young adults.
When planning our media we looked at our audience and mainly aimed it at teenagers and more young adults, however any horror film loves may choose to watch it.
I believe that more males than females may enjoy this film, but this may just be a stereotypical judgement. I think that within our film we may have shown males in a worse light than that our females. We shown the main female to be more of a heroin, where as the males to be more evil.

Evaluation: What kind of Media Institution might distribute your Media Product and why?

The film insitution that I think might distribute our film is Vertigo films.
Vertigo films produces many english films including the 2007 released film 'Faintheart', they also produced their first 3d film 'Street Dance 3D'.
I think MyMovieMashup would be a good way to distribute our film as their is already a set audience so we can guarentee an audience, also by releasing it by multi platform release will help to take more profit. It would also fit into the theme of British culture.