Friday, 17 December 2010

Evaluation: How does your Media product represent particular social groups?

I feel that our media product shows teenagers in a good light, in the way that the main protagonist tries to save her parents from the older antagonists. As our films location is in a normal household, the audience may feel that because the teenager is in her own home she may act differently. However she seems to act in a conciencous way and didnt fear going into the house on her own. This showing the teenager to be very smart.
We tried to keep our film as clean as possible and not involve any swearing whatsoever. When filming the media product it would have been very easy to add in swearing as it would have added well to the mood, however we decided against this as it would have definatly been innappropriate.
As teenagers have a lot of bad press, by showing them to be more smart and not 'chavs' like the news shows them to be, the audiences perception of teenagers may slightly change just from watching our film.

Independant article on teenagers This link will take you to an article about teenagers being 'hoodies, louts, scum'

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